Working at Microsoft, I'm seeing an interesting work culture/phenomenon that I've now adopted.
Rather than go out to lunch with folks (getting off campus would involve driving), apart from eating in the MS cafeteria, 80% of the folks here eat at their desk.
Remember the days when you actually prepared a meal from scratch? Reheating that would be gourmet compared to what some of the folks eat here (myself included). I actually saw one of my team workers eat 6 slices of white bread for lunch (nothing else - and yes, I counted 6 slices).
I think my favourite lazy observation has got to be the microwave dinners. They are so easy to prepare, one of the instructions on my dinner said heat on high for 3 minutes, return, stir, then heat for another minute and let sit for one more minute. Five minutes and you are all set! Unless you do what a lazy programmer would do and heat on high for 5 minutes straight, burn your mouth, and complain that the prep instructions are too involved.
Welcome to the 21st century...